1. Surya Bhedana Pranayama can be practiced with Kumbhaka.
»» Surya means the sun.
»» In Surya Bheda Pranayama the Surya Nadi or the right nostril channel has to be active.
2. The right nostril channel or the Surya Nadi, also called the Pingala Nadiis related to prana, representing the sun energy or the masculine energy of the body.
3. The inhalation is done through the right nostril and it is responsible for activeness and physical work.
4. The practice of holding the breath is an advanced practice. It should be learned from a qualified yoga instructor otherwise a beginner should not retain the breath for a long time.
5. Practice should be done in a sitting position, any of the meditative asanas, preferably Padmasana, Siddhasana or Vajrasana.
6. With right hand, place the forefinger and the middle finger on the forehead between the eyebrows; use the ring finger to close the left nostril.
7. Slowly breathe through the right nostril and fill the lungs completely.
8. Close both nostrils (thumb closes the right nostril and ring finger closes the left nostril) and hold the breath, practice chin lock and pelvic lock.
9. Try holding the breath, maximum to the extent with which you are comfortable.
10. Release Moola Bhandha (pelvic lock) and Jalandhara Bandha (chin lock) and exhale through the left nostril (Ida Nadi), keeping the right nostril closed.
11. This completes one round. One can repeat as many rounds as comfortable. Initially one can begin with 5 rounds and later increase it to 10 or beyond and the duration of Kumbhaka which means holding the breath should increase carefully over a period of time.
1. Surya Bheda Pranayama helps in activating the body and properly helps in functioning.
2. It's a very helpful exercise for Vata problems and regulates your digestive system as the digestive fire increases.
3. Insufficiency of oxygen in the blood destroys all diseases.
4. This practice helps in frontal sinuses and destroys intestinal worms, cleanses completely.
1. This pranayama increases the heat in the body, but people who are suffering from bile can practice in moderation.
2. A beginner should not hold their breath (kumbhaka) and chin lock (Jlandhara bandha), They should gradually introduce these elements into the practice.
3. A person with low blood pressure will benefit but people who are suffering with high blood pressure or heart trouble should consult an expert and also not hold their breath after inhalation while practicing.
4. This practice cannot be done in any kind of fever as it increases the heat in the body.
5. A People who suffer from frequent diarrhea or recently faced it, they should try to avoid this practice. According to Ayurveda, people with high pitta dominance in the body should also avoid.
6. People having problems like acidity, hypertension or heart problem should avoid.
7. It should be practiced in winters.
8. People who are suffering from heart ailments and blood pressure problems should not attempt practices involving breath retention, without consulting a doctor.
1. This energy is the energy of the third chakra, Manipura Chakra as it focuses on increasing the fire and the heat element in your body.